Computer Craft のメモ
-- turtle bucket filler -- slot1 : sample backet (oil, lava, etc) rs.setOutput("back", true); while true do print("turtle bucket filler"); for i=2, 16 do turtle.suck(); end local foundIdx = -1; for i=2, 16 do; if -1 == foundIdx then cnt = turtle.getItemCount(i); if 0 < cnt then if true == turtle.compareTo(1) then turtle.drop(); else foundIdx = i; turtle.drop(cnt - 1); end end else turtle.drop(); end end if -1 ~= foundIdx then rs.setOutput("back", false); while true do; turtle.placeDown(); if true == turtle.compareTo(1) then rs.setOutput("back", true); turtle.drop(); print("filled one bucket."); break; end sleep(1); print("no liquid. retry."); end else print("no empty bucket."); end sleep(1); end
local function dropAllExceptSample(sampleSlot, dropFunc) local keepCnt; for i = 1, 16 do; if true == turtle.compareTo(sampleSlot) then if i == sampleSlot then keepCnt = 1; else keepCnt = 0; end local tmpRslt = dropFunc(math.max(0, turtle.getItemCount(i) - keepCnt)); if not tmpRslt then return false; end end end return true; end local function dropItems(sampleSlot, dropCnt, dropFunc); local norm = dropCnt; local keepCnt; for i = 1, 16 do if norm <= 0 then break; end local tgtCnt = 0; if i == sampleSlot then tgtCnt = math.max(0, turtle.getItemCount(i) - 1); else if turtle.compareTo(i) then tgtCnt = turtle.getItemCount(i); end end if 0 < tgtCnt then local feed = math.min(norm, tgtCnt);; dropFunc(feed);; norm = norm - feed; end end end local function calcSpecificItemCount(sampleSlot) local count = 0;; for i = 1, 16 do if i == sampleSlot then count = count + turtle.getItemCount(i); elseif turtle.compareTo(i) then count = count + turtle.getItemCount(i); end end return count; end local function calcCntParBooth(sampleSlot, boothCount) local count = calcSpecificItemCount(sampleSlot); count = count - 1; local cntParBooth = math.floor(count / boothCount); if 0 < count % boothCount then cntParBooth = cntParBooth + 1; end return cntParBooth; end local function retryLoop(func, sleepSec, waitMsg) while true do if true == func() then break; end print(waitMsg); sleep(sleepSec); end end -- turtle bucket filler manager -- slot1 : sample backet (filled : oil, lava, etc.) -- slot2 : sample backet (empty) local BOOTH_CNT = 4; local FILLED_BKT_SLOT = 1; local EMPTY_BKT_SLOT = 2; local OTHER_SLOTS = { 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }; local filledBucketsReleaseFunc = turtle.dropUp; local emptyBucketsSupplementFunc = turtle.suck; local filledBucketsSuckFunc = turtle.suckUp; local function returnFilledBuckets() return dropAllExceptSample(FILLED_BKT_SLOT, filledBucketsReleaseFunc); end local function refuelAction(requiredFuelLv, filledBucketsSuckFunc) while true do for i = 1, 16 do filledBucketsSuckFunc(); end local cmpl = false; for _, i in ipairs(OTHER_SLOTS) do; turtle.refuel(); local tmp = turtle.getFuelLevel(); print(" fuel level -> " .. tmp); if requiredFuelLv <= tmp then print(" refueling was completed."); cmpl = true; break; end end retryLoop(returnFilledBuckets, 5, "Inventory full? sleep(5)"); if cmpl then break; else term.write("(sleep)"); for i = 1, 20 do sleep(1); term.write("."); end end end end print("-- status check"); while true do if 0 == turtle.getItemCount(FILLED_BKT_SLOT) or 0 == turtle.getItemCount(EMPTY_BKT_SLOT) then print("Set items as follows."); print("slot1 : filled bucket x 1"); print(" (lava, oil, etc.)"); print("slot2 : empty bucket x 1"); print("Hit enter key when ready."); read(); else break; end end print("-- reset position"); for i=1, BOOTH_CNT * 2 do turtle.forward(); end local earnedFlg = true; local distributedFlg = true; local turn = 0; while true do term.clear(); term.setCursorPos(1, 1); print("---------------------------------"); print("-- turtle bucket filler manager"); print("---------------------------------"); print("[turn] = " .. tostring(turn)); local fuelLevel = turtle.getFuelLevel(); print("[fuel level] = " .. fuelLevel); local tmp = BOOTH_CNT - 1; local requiredFuelLv = (math.min(tmp, 1) * 4 + tmp * 4) * (tmp / 2); print("[required ] = " .. requiredFuelLv); if fuelLevel < requiredFuelLv then print("<< out of fuel. >>"); refuelAction(requiredFuelLv, filledBucketsSuckFunc); end if not earnedFlg and not distributedFlg then print("[skip] capture filled buckets"); else earnedFlg = false; print("capture filled buckets"); for i = 1, BOOTH_CNT do print(" booth No. " .. tostring(i)); for j = 2, i do turtle.back(); turtle.back(); end for j = 1, 16 do turtle.suckDown(); end dropAllExceptSample(EMPTY_BKT_SLOT, turtle.dropDown); for j = 2, i do turtle.forward(); turtle.forward(); end if 1 < calcSpecificItemCount(FILLED_BKT_SLOT) then earnedFlg = true; end retryLoop(returnFilledBuckets, 5, "Inventory full? sleep(5)"); end if earnedFlg then print("got new filled buckets."); else print("no new filled buckets."); end end for j = 1, 16 do emptyBucketsSupplementFunc(); end if 1 < calcSpecificItemCount(EMPTY_BKT_SLOT) then distributedFlg = true; end if not earnedFlg and not distributedFlg then print("[skip] distribute empty buckets. (no empty buckets.)"); else print("distribute empty buckets"); dropAllExceptSample(FILLED_BKT_SLOT, filledBucketsReleaseFunc); local cntParBooth = calcCntParBooth(EMPTY_BKT_SLOT, BOOTH_CNT); if 0 < cntParBooth then distributedFlg = true; else distributedFlg = false; end if 0 < cntParBooth then local currentSlot = 2; for i = 1, BOOTH_CNT do print(" booth No. " .. tostring(i)); if 1 < i then turtle.back(); turtle.back(); end currentSlot = dropItems(EMPTY_BKT_SLOT, cntParBooth, turtle.dropDown); end for i = 1, BOOTH_CNT do if 1 < i then turtle.forward(); turtle.forward(); end end end end if not earnedFlg and not distributedFlg then term.write("(sleep)"); for i = 1, 20 do sleep(0.4); term.write("."); end end turn = turn + 1; end